Energetics Everyday

with Sunayana Clark

My Blog

What can you expect from my Blog Articles?

 My blogs are aimed at helping you understand the importance of You as well as provoking self reflection.  Some of my blogs will be from an energetic perspective whilst other will talk about some of the factors that have created disconnection and anxiety in you.   If any of these resonate and you wish to find out how I can help you, please click the Get in Touch Button above. 

You are so important and it’s time you began to shine! 

 A 7-Day Experiment in Trusting Your Higher Self

 A 7-Day Experiment in Trusting Your Higher Self

Imagine tapping into a source of wisdom and guidance that knows the intricacies of your day ahead, effortlessly navigating you through challenges and opportunities. Welcome to your Higher Self.  Your Higher Self is the non-physical aspect of you.  If you are...