with Sunayana Clark
I teach Women to connect to their Inner Voice
You were born with an inner voice or knowing that is also called your Higher Self.
But you were taught to ignore this voice and instead seek advice and validation from outside yourself. These voices are so loud that they drowned out your Higher Self and you forgot this connection. You stopped trusting your Inner Voice. You felt alone and unsure. You had to change you to fit other people’s expectations.
I have a process that takes women from connecting with their Higher Self to trusting their daily guidance and to creating a life that they Love.
The Truth is that You are the powerful Creator of YOUR life.
The Truth is that YOU are here to live a life of abundance.
The Truth is Life is for Living.
What is Energetics Every Day?
It is the daily practice of Vibrational Mastery. In other words, the daily practice of taking action to feel better and to release low stored vibration from your physical and emotional bodies.
Daily Intention + Action = Energetics Every Day.
The Truth is that YOU are here to live a life of abundance.
The Truth is Life is for Living.
You have been seeking change for a while.
You have had enough of feeling alone or lost.
You want to live life purposefully and with intention.
It is time for life to stop passing you by.
Your Higher Self is You in your purest form.
Connecting to this energy is the best gift that you can give yourself.
Hello I am Sunayana Clark,
Holistic Therapist, Teacher and Coach. My Higher Self’s name is Athalia, and I am the current Soul to collaborate with her, experiencing life on Earth. I started worked with Athalia unconsciously connecting to her over 20 years ago, during client sessions creating radical transformations for them.
In 2019 I consciously connected to Athalia. Since then, my life has changed so much. I never feel alone. I have a loving constant confidant with a wonderful sense of humour who never judges. She offers loving assurance, insight and guidance helping me create a life that I love.
Our Mission
It is our intention to create a world of connected empowered women. When women are Consciously Whole, they rise to become Beneficial Catalysts for Change within their communities. It is this goal that drives us forward. We want All to feel Hope, Love, Balance, and Trust. We want All to feel that Life is for Living and we will deliver this via Women.
Sunayana and her Higher Self Athalia
My Services
Each of the products or services that are available have been created with the express purpose of triggering Hope, Love and Faith. Hope that you can create the change; to help you Love Your Life; and Faith in your relationship with your Higher Self because this underpins everything.
Visit my Etsy Store
The Truth of Your Affirmation Cards
T Shirts, Weighted blankets and lap pads.
The Digital Money Bundle to help your money flow increase.
My Book
Hello from the Higher Self Collective
Sunayana was chosen by her Higher Self Athalia to be the conduit for Connection for many of you across the globe. As a soul, Sunayana spent many 1000s of your Earth Years training for this. When you were in non-physical, you and your Higher Self agreed that you too would consciously connect at this moment in time. All the experiences you have had to date have led up to this point. You have been yearning for Change. Can you feel it – close your eyes and feel within yourself? The first step in Energetics Every Day is to connect with your Higher Self for it is in this connection that you will discover the Love, the Prosperity and Freedom that you desire.
Are you ready?
To get in touch, please either call me on 07515 561514 or email me by clicking the button below.
Our stated ambition is to empower women across the globe. For it is in the rebalancing of male/female energy that we will thrive. Part of this rebalancing resides in our relationship with the Earth. This is our home and our foundation on which all else rests. We must therefore as a business take action to reduce our carbon footprint and cultivate an environment that promotes balance but also triggers HOPE for future generations for a cleaner more sustainable world. We are therefore pleased to partner with Ecologi to meet this goal.