Imagine tapping into a source of wisdom and guidance that knows the intricacies of your day ahead, effortlessly navigating you through challenges and opportunities. Welcome to your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is the non-physical aspect of you. If you are biologically male, then your Higher Self is male and if you are biologically female, your Higher Self is female. They know what you want to achieve personally and professionally and they know what’s in your way including your limiting beliefs. They also know how to do this in an energy of ease and in the simplest way. if you are fed up of trying to figure everything out by yourself, perhaps it’s time to do an experiment in trust and if you are ready, read on. I recommend that you have a method of recording your observations and outcomes.
What do you need to do?
Every morning, for the next 7 days, start each morning by connecting with your Higher Self by saying “You know what’s involved in my day, who I am going to speak and interact with today. I want to have clear kind communication with all I meet. Let the people I meet recognise my energy. Please dissolve any obstacles in my way. Help me see any opportunities that are available to me. Show me the steps I need to take to take advantage of these opportunities making your intentions very clear to me. I want to experience ease throughout my day. Thank you.”
Throughout the week, keep a journal of your experiences and notice what’s different at work, with your family, money, or your health. Notice any changes in communication or opportunities and obstacles that dissolve with the guidance of your Higher Self. This could be as simple as the journey to work improves or you get a small win or get applauded for a job well done. You might notice your anxiety levels change or that you are sleeping better. As this is an experiment in trusting your Higher Self, I am going to ask you to remain open minded and write down every small change you notice.
“When you contact the Higher Self, the source of power within, you tap into a reservoir of infinite power.” Deepak Chopra.
The Mind Monkeys.
It is a normal response to doubt what you are noticing and feel like “well that might of happened anyway”. If your mind monkeys get really loud, say to your Higher Self “I need you to give me a dramatic sign so that I know that you are with me always and know what help I need today.” Take a deep breath and be open to noticing that sign.
Take the first step today. Your Higher Self is eagerly awaiting to help you enjoy life more!
What next? Do you want to know more about your Higher Self? Come join my group here.