Energetics Every Day Your Way

Energetics Every Day Audios

Welcome to the audios that accompany Energetics Every

Day Your Way.

Our recommendation is that you listen to the audios once a day, apart from the Higher Self Connection and the Opportunities are Endless which can be listened more often.

Notice how you feel as you listen to them. Notice your thoughts – they may reveal beliefs that need to be changed or released.  Notice how you feel afterwards.

Most of all remember, there is no rush. Take your time with each process until it feels easy and comfortable to do.

Sunayana, Athaliah and Your Higher Self. x

The Higher Self Connection Process.

Releasing Traumatic Memories.

A Loving Conversation With Your Cells.

Clearing Cognitive Patterns.

Love Your Body Fiercely.

Connecting to Your Sacred Space.

Connecting to a Circle of Love.

Being Open to Opportunities and Receiving Currency.

Bonus Audio: You are So Loved. A Message from Your Higher Self to You.